
California Carnage: Incomplete Non-Grantor Trusts are Dead (But Long Live COMPLETED Gifts?) By Jonathan Mintz, Senior Managing Director

On July 10, 2023 California Governor Gavin Newsom approved Infrastructure and Budget Legislation. The bill, SB 131 changes the law in California to cause income in INCOMPLETE non-grantor trusts to be counted as California income...

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California Carnage: Incomplete Non-Grantor Trusts are Dead (But Long Live COMPLETED Gifts?)
Jonathan Mintz, Senior Managing Director

The Power of Irrevocable Foreign Grantor Trusts for Non-U.S. Taxpayers

If you are a non-U.S. taxpayer looking to build a business or invest in the U.S., consider the Irrevocable Foreign Grantor Trust.

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The Power of Irrevocable Foreign Grantor Trusts for Non-U.S. Taxpayers

Bitcoin’s Economic Promise: Unveiling its Role in America’s Fiscal Future and Global Dominance

Explore topics related to Bitcoin's role in solving economic challenges, its integration into estate planning, the importance of trust structures, the maturation of the Bitcoin market, and the changing landscape of global finance.

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Bitcoin’s Economic Promise: Unveiling its Role in America’s Fiscal Future and Global Dominance

Wealth Management From A Bitcoin Perspective

Here are a handful of dynamic perspectives you wouldn’t hear from your typical multi-family office, but you can count on hearing them our Co-Founder Matt McClintock.

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Wealth Management From A Bitcoin Perspective

Insights on Bitcoin ETFs and Behavioral Finance

Explore the latest developments in the world of bitcoin and the complexities of estate planning with digital assets...

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Insights on Bitcoin ETFs and Behavioral Finance

Cryptocurrency Estate Planning: Safeguarding Your Digital Legacy

As the world of finance evolves, more people are incorporating cryptocurrency into their investment strategy. While digital assets offer exciting opportunities, they also present unique challenges. Matt McClintock Adil Abdulali uncover just that, tune into the full conversation.

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Cryptocurrency Estate Planning: Safeguarding Your Digital Legacy